Importance of Advertising Effectiveness

Importance of Advertising Effectiveness Reasons why it is important to measure your advertising effectiveness Advertising in your business is very important, as it is the way to attract customers to your venue and get your business found by anyone that is in the area. If you are not doing any marketing, then you are missing out on increasing your sales and increasing your revenue. Advertising is the way to do this. I went to many sales seminars and workshops, and the same message is repeated throughout, that a customer needs to see your brand at least 10 times before they will take action. So this is why it is important to have multiple advertising and branding for your business. Your website, social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc are the digital footprint of your organisation, but they are not always enough to attract customers to come to your venue. Knowing how much money you are spending on each campaign, and what the return is for each o...