
Showing posts from May, 2022

5 Brands That Are Absolutely Hilarious

  5 Brands That Are Absolutely Hilarious Marketing is all about bringing your brand to the right people. In a highly competitive attention economy, that can be hard work. One way to improve your chances is to incorporate humor into your marketing strategy. Humor not only spreads some much-needed laughter around but also creates shareable and memorable content that people can relate to. That relatability can easily turn into customer loyalty over time. So, for a bit of inspiration, let’s take a look at five of the most hilarious brands on social media. 1. Netflix Nearly everyone is familiar with (or has a subscription to) Netflix. Despite being well-known by millions, they still have a solid marketing strategy to raise brand awareness through the use of humor. Most of that humor can be seen on their Twitter page, which has 17.5 million followers. Their zingers range from tweets commenting on current events to funny GIFs and memes that reference their own content – which, as we all k...

How to Find Joy in Tedious Everyday Tasks

 How to Find Joy in Tedious Everyday Tasks It’s hard to find joy in tasks we don’t like to do – and, unfortunately, many of the tasks we like the least are the ones we have to do every day. For some of you, staying on top of cleaning may be the task that gets you down. For others, it might be the endlessly growing list of unread emails demanding your attention. Although it can be hard to find joy in working through these tedious tasks, it’s certainly not impossible. Let’s take a look at a few mindset tweaks that may just get you there. Focus on the big picture One of the biggest problems with doing tedious tasks is that they seem so meaningless. The sense that they’re meaningless makes us feel that they’re a waste of time. The solution is to make tasks worthy of our time. Perhaps the best way to do that is to keep your mind focused on the big picture. This means clearly defining your life goals. What is it you’re moving toward? Is it owning your own business, starting a family, tra...

Not getting ROI you deserve from your marketing? Learn the secret to productivity.

 Not getting ROI you deserve from your marketing? Learn the secret to productivity Wondering why you’re not getting the return on interest you wish for with your marketing campaigns? You may be missing the one key factor that leads to real marketing productivity, writes Annette Densham, PR specialist and co-owner at The Audacious Agency. The ultimate key to productivity lies in one simple word: ACCOUNTABILITY. Productivity doesn’t come from effort and time, it is the result of a carefully aimed effort that is goal-driven. Accountability is a four-part process that Miriam van Heusden, analytics expert, is sharing with us today. Miriam’s experience in this field comes from her work in creating one of the most innovative software platforms (Maraytics) that enables entrepreneurs and marketers to ascertain the exact ROI of each marketing campaign, regardless of what it is and where it is hosted. To say the least – accountability is her ‘thing’. Here is her 4-step process. 4 steps to acc...

How Sustainable Content Puts People at The Heart of Digital Engagement

 How Sustainable Content Puts People at The Heart of Digital Engagement As the digital world begins to impact the planet, Ana Tolić, President of CMG Digital, explains how a focus on people – not platforms – delivers a sustainable digital future. By Ana Tolic of Sustainability is now a business reality. Driven by clear evidence of ongoing climate change, consumers increasingly look to brands that demonstrate commitment to meaningful action. Today, sustainability and other ethical considerations match factors such as quality and price as consumers weigh their purchasing decisions. Multiple studies drive home the power of this new reality: 45% of Gen Z consumers will stop buying from brands because of ethical or sustainability concerns; more than a third of UK consumers can and do walk away from companies that fail to align with their beliefs; while 72% of consumers are actively buying more sustainable products. As the pandemic has accelerated our reliance on digital...

10 Things To Consider When Selling Your Business

 10 Things To Consider When Selling Your Business By Graeme Alexander of Lightspeed All up, I owned my own cafe for just over four years before I sold it. When I opened it with my wife it was the culmination of our dream to be that sickly-sweet husband & wife neighborhood operation. You know the type. It was going to be a place where everyone was happy and our impeccable family lifestyle oozed effortlessly into our workplace and covered anyone who came near with its wholesome charm. But, like the Hallmark moment outlined above, it was a fairytale. Sure, there were some days when we were in a good place and the vibe approached something resembling wholesome, or idyllic, but the reality was harsh, lurking in the corner like a ghost and ready to terrify us at a moment’s notice. It was a time in my life when nothing was certain and the ending was never in sight. It’s with this in mind that I’ve put together a list of things I learned as I navigated the sale of my cafe that could ha...

Video Versus Audio - Where Is The Trend Going

 Video Versus Audio – Where Is The Trend Going With home internet connections moving away from metered solutions and into faster and uncapped lines; video has become an increasingly more powerful marketing medium. Along with that, the online world has always shown us that people have short attention spans, preferring content they can scan briefly or images that give them insight faster. Considering these factors, it is natural that video would soon become the top-performing medium in the online world. Social media users are more likely to pause and watch a short video while industries like real estate draw from the power of in-depth and panoramic video sequences to showcase properties. Similarly, the lifehacks and how-to tutorials we saw in print a few years ago are now summarised in brief clips. Video has become such a powerful marketing medium that even Instagram, an image-sharing platform, has stated it is now a video-sharing app. Biteable, the world’s simplest video maker, has ...

3 Strategies To Simplify How You Do Business

 3 Strategies To Simplify How You Do Business …because business can be fun! Have you ever wondered if it’s possible to step into your office on a Monday morning feeling inspired, motivated, and excited for the week ahead? When you were an aspiring entrepreneur, you probably imagined more fun than what the reality is delivering. That’s because greater ownership means more responsibility. By simplifying the running of the business, you can enjoy a more significant amount of freedom while still meeting your obligations. Here’s how in 3 steps. 1. Outsource The Tedious Tasks When you initially thought about starting your own business, chances were that flexibility was something you were after. You also probably had a clear idea in your mind of what your life and your daily routine would look like. If you found there to be more tedious tasks in the reality of the situation than you’d pictured, you wouldn’t be alone. Make work more fun by outsourcing the tedious tasks you dislike; being t...

Managing Your Stress Level when Your To-do List is Overwhelming

 Managing Your Stress Level when Your To-do List is Overwhelming Everyone has a different way of coping with stress. For some, a long hard jog shrugs off all the niggling worries. Maybe a good binge of a new Netflix series does the trick for you. What do you do when your to-do list is so high that it’s completely overwhelming, giving you no time to cope with your stress in the way that you usually would? Here are five tips from Miriam van Heusden, an analytics expert, for dealing with a crazy to-do list that’s drowning you. 1. Start somewhere. Anywhere. Overwhelm prevents the higher cognitive areas of the brain from connecting and serving you. When you’re super stressed out, the part of your brain that is activated is the one responsible for fight or flight, which means you’re not capable of reasoning and making sound decisions. You do not want to try and tackle your to-do list in this state. The best way to move out of that state is by choosing the easiest task on your to-do list ...