3 Best Reasons Why Your Small Business Needs Marketing SaaS

 3 Best Reasons Why Your Small Business Needs Marketing SaaS

3 Best Reasons Why Your Small Business Needs Marketing SaaS


If your small business in the hospitality industry is eager to invest in a solution that can give you the marketing boost you need among your competitors, then you may want to consider SaaS. A Software as a Service (SaaS) solution assists businesses in managing its programs that aim to improve its interactions with its customers. These solutions normally consist of marketing analytics, CRM, or other tailor-made applications. Their primary function simply enables your business processes to be more efficient, as well as guiding your decisions to be more accurate. A marketing SaaS does all that and lets you focus on creating, maintaining, and establishing better relationships with your customers through better-crafted experiences. This is exactly the tool that you need to empower your small business.


 What Makes SaaS So Appealing?

For a hospitality business owner, speed, mobility and adjustability are all very important. A marketing SaaS solution grants you customized business solutions for your on-demand requirements. It will give you the following benefits:

  • ·       Customizability
  • ·       Flexibility
  • ·       Security
  • ·       Scalability
  • ·       Low Cost


Just how in-demand are SaaS solutions right now? A research report from Gartner, Inc. shows that the worldwide public cloud services market is forecast to grow 6.3% in 2020 to a total of $257.9 billion. This is up from $242.7 billion in 2019. SaaS revenue forecasts for 2020 are currently at USD 104,671 million.

Other sources have forecasted that by 2020, 85% of small businesses will invest in SaaS solutions, while 73% of organizations indicating that nearly all their apps will be SaaS by 2021. It is indeed a trending, much-sought-after tool by businesses worldwide.


Small Business, Big Benefits

As with any small business owner’s concern: is your investment going to be worth it? Will you be able to maximize its use and gain an advantage over your competitors?

To answer these questions, here are the 3 best reasons why your small business will greatly benefit from it:

1. Easier, Secure Access to Your Data

A well-customized software solution permits you to automate the entry of your customers’ data from all of your marketing activities. You will be able to enter or collect their data from multiple sources (or by your customers themselves) without having to manually fill them in, and all of it can be saved on the cloud. This enables your marketing, sales, and customer support teams to have access to that same data, avoiding any errors in computations and forecasts, as well as veering away from any miscommunication. Since you are all looking at the same data repository any time and from anywhere, expect faster, smoother collaboration.

You can also have your marketing SaaS solutions customized so that you and your team can easily read and understand your reports, eliminating the need to take time over manual collation, formatting, and distribution.

If you're in doubt as to whether your data is safe with an SaaS solutions provider or not, then just make sure you check the SLA (Service Level Agreement) that they will provide you with. SaaS providers will regularly undergo strict audits on data and network security, which means that they will invest a whole lot for being secure, having sufficient backup processes, as well as performing regular maintenance. Even during an extreme event such as a natural calamity, your data will be safer in their hands especially if they possess disaster recovery policies.

2. More fluid control over both your marketing and sales process

SaaS solutions also offer you the ability to improve your sales cycles. Not only can you track your leads easily, but you can even see them proceed through their individual buyer's journeys. Having your SaaS solutions integrated with other software you use such as your POS, can lead to well-tracked leads that can automatically be followed-through. With a cohesive system in place, you will be able to keep tabs on not just one, but all of your leads and conversions. All these contribute to allowing you more control and better management of your sales processes.

Additionally, SaaS solutions will come with integration options for a large selection of popular sales, POS, CRM, and accounting software. This will not require any more hardware upgrades and can streamline your overall business operations.  

Do you want to try out Maralytics? You can start your trial here.

3. Better ROI (Return on Investment)

Imagine being able to put more budget on your marketing campaigns while acquiring the efficiency and accuracy that you need from a worthwhile investment. The best reason to invest in a marketing SaaS solution is because it is on the cloud, offering little to no requirement on hardware and maintenance costs. An entirely welcome, helpful solution to reducing your business costs but increasing your ROI.

SaaS solutions will usually just cost a monthly, or an annual subscription fee that helps you spread your budget out on a monthly, more flexible basis. This covers support, licenses, and any other fees depending on your agreement. These are all in stark contrast with their on-premises software counterparts which can see you purchasing all these fees at higher costs. A cloud solution removes the burden of buying and maintaining infrastructure, performance, and security, while still being able to scale your requirements depending on your needs.   

We’ve previously written about how you can improve your business’ ROI, which you can read here.



A marketing SaaS solution presents you with more flexibility in doing your marketing so that you can focus on what matters more: thinking of better, more accurate marketing strategies and being able to implement and adjust them efficiently. Target higher sales and focus on your customers’ happiness with your business without having to fuss over operational details.


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